Sunday, May 9, 2010

Nectar / Pollen sources list!

I found a list for nectar/pollen sources on the West Sound Beekeepers Association website.

This is from the Puget Sound Beekeepers Association:
1. Oregon Grape - April, pollen and nectar
2. Cotton Wood - April, pollen
3. Willow - April, pollen and nectar is warm... See More
4. *Maple Large Leaf - April-May, pollen and surplus nectar
5. *Poison Oak - May, nectar surplus
6. *Snowberry (Buckbrush) - May-June, surplus
7. *Vine Maple - May, surplus
8. Cherry Tree - April, nectar and mainly pollen
9. Deciduous Fruit Trees - April-May, mainly pollen
10. Mustard - March, pollen
11. Fire Weed - July-August, no pollen and variable nectar
12. Raspberry - June, surplus
13. *Blackberry - June-July, nectar and pollen
14. Thistle - June, nectar and pollen
15. *Cascara - May-June, nectar
16. Cabbage - May, pollen and nectar
17. Crimson Clover - May, pollen and nectar
18. White Clover - June-July, pollen and nectar
19. Madrene - May, nectar
20. Manzanita - May, pollen and nectar
21. Dill (oil) - July, pollen and nectar
22. *Hairy Vetch - May-June, surplusnectar

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